Webstorm javascript
Webstorm javascript

PS: ui5-codecompletion is under the WTFPL, so feel free to port/use however you want. The most notable change is that automatically added imports now respect the project structure by treating each folder in the project with package.json as a separate package.

  • Open up $ and enjoy ctrl+Space UI5 code completion JavaScript & TypeScript Improved support for monorepos This release comes with a number of improvements for working with monorepos.
  • do the one-time WebStorm config as described in.
  • in the shell, fire away: ui5-codecompletion install.
  • navigate to your UI5 project root dir in a shell: cd ~/your/UI5/project.
  • Install the npm module: npm install -g ui5-codecompletion.
  • In essence, ui5-codecompletion downloads, extracts and plugs UI5 sources into WebStorm’s JavaScript Library Scope. Here you go: ui5-codecompletion, a node module helping to provide…well…code completion when editing UI5 *.js-files in WebStorm. What’s missing? Right, UI5 code completion for Controllers/JS-files.
  • Christian Schuff has authored ui5-schemas, providing auto completion for editing XML views.
  • webstorm javascript

    Mark Schmale has written that helps with navigating within UI5 projects in WebStorm.But WebStorm is unfortunately (still) lacking native UI5 support…so, community to the rescue! Then there’s WebStorm, the IDE of choice for many developers – for various reasons: from support of a large tooling ecosystem up to killer editing features ( ctrl+G!).


    Of course there’s the WebIDE that provides helpful code completion features when editing UI5 controllers ( *.js) or views ( *.xml). Building a Plugin for WebStorm Tutorial for JavaScript Developers, Part 3 The WebStorm Blog Check out the last part of the tutorial on building plugins for WebStorm and see how to build an advanced integration for Stimulus.

    Webstorm javascript